A happy little blog for a mid-career elementary art teacher who's looking for the positive side of life, teaching, and spending her days with people under the age of 12.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Paper Pyramids Make Us Happy
This is a fun little lesson I do sometimes with third grade when we talk about Egypt. Years ago I made a super-simple power point showing different scenes from Egyptian tombs, and they use those for inspiration. The first several class periods are spent drawing: they get a 12 x 12 piece of paper, fold it diagonally (making a triangle), unfold and fold diagonally using the opposite corners, then pick ONE corner to cut up to the other fold. So now they have a sort of diamond shape with a slit. I have them write "floor" on one triangle next to the slit, and their name on the back of the same part where they wrote "floor". They draw with pencil, trace with extra-fine permanent marker, and color with colored pencils:
Although they look like they're pyramid-shaped in these photographs, we keep them unglued and two dimensional until the very end (this way, they fit in table folders and in our drawers).
When it seems like most are getting close to finished with the drawing,we papier mache up some boxes and mummies:
I have the whole class start with making the box (some are better than others):
We do three days of papier mache-ing: a newspaper day (using newspaper strips) a phone book day (using torn up yellow pages) and a paper towel day (those brown school paper towels have to be good for something!!!). Then, we paint our mummies white, and our boxes however we want (I only give them primary colors).
Finally, we glue them all together:
And for my early finishers, we use colored pencils to draw bricks on the back, so we can turn them over to look like this:
I did keep all of them (stored in boxes labeled with teacher names) for the art show. Thursday, April 17, I can't wait!!! They'll look fabulous!
Monday, March 24, 2014
What My Youngest Students Are Up To
Don't you always need more kindergarten and first grade lessons? I know I do, and sometimes I can't face the thought of doing what I'd planned, so I make up something else real quick. Like this, for example:
Easy, successful and adorable! We talked about the horizon line and neighborhoods and kindergarten drew them with marker but didn't color them in:
Then I got out the texture boards and showed them how they worked and we talked about texture for a bit before we went back to work:
I love how they turned out, and it was a fun one day lesson.
First grade has been working on their Jewelry Portraits, which is a lesson I wrote and got into "Arts and Activities" in May of, hmmmm, 2008, maybe? Anyway, here's a few from this year:
Easy, successful and adorable! We talked about the horizon line and neighborhoods and kindergarten drew them with marker but didn't color them in:
Missing the horizon line here, but still adorable! |
Then I got out the texture boards and showed them how they worked and we talked about texture for a bit before we went back to work:
I love how they turned out, and it was a fun one day lesson.
First grade has been working on their Jewelry Portraits, which is a lesson I wrote and got into "Arts and Activities" in May of, hmmmm, 2008, maybe? Anyway, here's a few from this year:
I enjoy this lesson because they really do learn so much, and the kids love them because when they get home, they can take their necklace off their portrait and wear them.
One more close up of our magazine beads with pony beads pattern necklace:
Friday, March 21, 2014
Handmade Paper Dragon Books
This is another lesson I got from Keeli, who also gave me this awesome lesson. Handmade Paper Dragon Books starts with making handmade paper (pretty self explanatory, right?). Many many years ago, I taught some summer art classes through a community Arts Council, and taught papermaking and bookmaking for a couple of summers. Because of that experience, I had a few shortcuts for the papermaking part of this project. 1.) I have no papermaking deckels, so I use a setup of plastic strawberry basket turned upside down with plastic screening then window screening.
As you can probably tell, this has been used SEVERAL times, note the gross-looking paper pulp remnants. |
This, sadly, is not the grossest looking cup. |
3.) I do have a nice set of felts, so that works out.
Nice clean felts on top of a screen with some leftover pulp stuck to it. |
4.) I have only one blender, so the students rotate through, a small group of 3-4 at a time while everyone else worked on their origami dragons.
The first 4-5 times of this project just involve students making paper: they chose paper from the scrap box, added water, Elmer's glue and some fine glitter if they wanted, blended in our thrift store blender, then poured it through the Starbucks cup held tightly over our screens in an ice cream tub,
GROSS!!! But you get the idea of the set-up we used. |
I gave them a little talk about how the Chinese were the first to make paper, nothing big or elaborate. They kept asking "but what is this FOR?" and I just made them wait.
After everyone got to make some paper and our origami dragons were done, we started on our books. Each student got two 4"x 4" pieces of chipboard (just some leftovers I had laying around) and two 5" x 5" pieces of black paper. I showed them how to glue the black paper on the chipboard, wrapping it tightly around the edges. They then glued two popsicle sticks on and wrote their names on both. Then they received two strips of white paper, I think they were 3" x 18", and they accordian folded them and glued them together at the end to made one LONG piece of paper, and glued that to their two black pieces, making sure the popsicle sticks were at the bottom (this was difficult for some of my too-social-to-listen-to-the-teacher friends, so I had to check theirs before the glue set).
This book isn't opened all the way because I couldn't get it to fit in the frame when I did, but you get the idea. |
Some of our beautiful paper after some diamonds were cut out. I forgot to take pictures as we were actually making the paper. |
They continue adding scales to form the dragon's face, and put some on the back to form the tail.
This student spaced their diamonds out rather than overlap. It worked. They also used more marbelized paper than handmade paper. Still worked. |
Closed/tied book. |