Friday, October 5, 2012

Oh YES, Japanese Scrolls!



I posted the beginnings of these in an earlier post, and we're finishing up now.  I really, really like these.  I gave the students several options for themes: Nature, People, Animals or Dreams.  We looked at several Japanese scroll paintings, but I was a little loose in their subject matter (one student did a huge llama). They drew with pencil, traced with ultra-fine Sharpie, and colored with watercolor pencils and metallic colored pencils. Water was painted over our watercolor pencil to give it a painty look (if they colored smoothly).

Panda in a bamboo forest.

Back of panda in a bamboo forest

A close up, I love how she drew her horse (all by herself).

Another close-up

This is sixth grade work.  I haven't done this project exactly like this before, but I thought 'hey, you've taught 13 years, just wing it when you have them put them together.'  Bad bad bad idea.  First of all, it was a Wednesday, so my classes were all 10 minutes shorter (students come an hour late on Wednesdays) and I hadn't really thought it all through, I didn't have them do it along with me. . .it was awful.  After I got them all in the drying rack (most only partially done) I realized--none of them had their names on them anymore, as we'd glued  the sides with our names together!  The next class I had them do it all along with me and it went so very much better.

Of course, a sideways shot.

She worked really hard on her panda.

This one is unfinished, but I LOVE it.

Close-up of the lovable one.

Another close-up [because I couldn't resist].

The back--she didn't rinse her marbelized paper very well,
so the starch kind of pooled.
Our drawings are 18 x 8", our marbelized papers are 12 x 18.  We glued our drawings to the middle of the back of our marbelized papers, then carefully folded our marbelized papers just to the edge of our drawings.  Strings were added BEFORE we glued the folded edge to hang them.

I linked it my earlier post, but I don't mind doing it again to give credit for our beautiful marbelized papers.  I got the recipe here.
Next week we'll begin the process of figuring out whos-is-whos in my other sixth grade class, and we'll write our names on them!


  1. I happened upon your blog through Mr. E! Love the marbled paper! I totally had a disastrous day just like that this week when I didn't really plan out the instruction...just showed the kids what to do and had them do it. Big mistake! Just like you said, it was one of those cases where we should have done it step by step together!

    Would love it if you would check my blog out!

  2. Sorry it took so long to get back to you! Yep, I learn a lot on these jeez-what-was-I-thinking-doing-it-this-way sort of days. And I'll check your blog out right now!
