Friday, April 19, 2013

First Grade Cityscapes and Art Show Woes

This post is way overdue.  My first graders made these adorable cityscapes:

The green paper is 6 x 18 inches, the grey is 4 x 18.

Simple cut paper houses/buildings with pop out cars.

Some students chose to add signs and stoplights.
I have been CRAZY BUSY these past several weeks, getting everything organized for our all-school art show.  I keep everything the students do from the beginning of school until April, then we go through, pick their two best and display them. It makes for an interesting display visually, but it's an organizational nightmare:

This is only PART of first grade, and I have 6 other grade levels also!

The peacocks are amazing, but take up so much room to display!
I literally lose sleep over getting everything ready for the art show.  I'll try to post more about it later, as well as photos, but right now I'm just glad it was last night and I don't have to think about it again for many months.
Back to adorable cityscapes:
Love the bus!

At my previous school, I had loads of windows in the hallway,
so I taped these up high with blue sky behind.

There's something so child-like about these, that I could never
replicate as an adult.
This was a project where we talked about cityscapes vs. land- or seascapes, talked about the variety of buildings and houses we'd see.

Close-up of our pop-out car (in this case, truck).

Is that a tractor or monster tires on the left?

They all put their stop signs ON the road,
but I can't figure out why.

Honestly, I'd forgotten all about this project, and I know I haven't done it since I've been in my current building/district (6 years).  Sometimes it's nice to do something you haven't done in forever, especially when it's a solid lesson.  OK, last of the cityscapes:

The purple thing is an airplane flying over the city.

And I'm pretty sure this is a delivery or trash truck :-)


  1. I love your construction paper cityscapes! They are so cute and would be so fun for my first grade classes. Your students did a great job of adding little details to their cityscapes.


    Hip, Hop Hurray! Tales in an Artroom

  2. Very cute city scapes. I'll add that to my "to do" list.
