Monday, August 26, 2013

Second Grade Likes Themselves

This year, I started out second grade by reading I Like Myself! by Karen Beaumont (same author as I Ain't Gonna Paint No More).  

This book was new to me, I found it at the library while searching for books for my 2 year old. I always like to start the school year on positive notes of liking ourselves, being polite and kind to others, etc, so this book was just perfect.  
After reading, students got a piece of 9x12 white drawing paper and a smidge of white Model Magic or Cloud Clay (depending on what I grabbed).  They then drew themselves and used the Model Magic/Cloud Clay to add a detail.  The ones who focused and worked hard to finish turned out very well.  I ended up giving them two class periods, because after rules and procedures the first day, there really wasn't much time left.  Here are some of the great work from my very likable second graders:

Model Magic hair

Model Magic hair

Model Magic lips and necklace.

Model Magic hair

Model Magic clouds
 From here, we'll go onto more self portraits and add pattern :-)

1 comment:

  1. I like the mixed media element - I have tons of model magic and this is a great way to use it! :)
