Monday, November 9, 2015

Little Quilling Frames

I've posted about quilling with second graders before, but the lesson I'm sharing today is actually the first quilling project I ever did with second graders.

We started out with those cheap-o chipboard frames from a catalog (they come with a larger, rectangular shaped opening, and these are the smaller ones that come attached to the larger ones).  I could've bought the little quilling strips, but I'm cheap, so I just cut them on my paper cutter.  I showed them how to roll paper, and we got to work:

Now, I'll be honest and tell you that there was a bit of whining that we had to work through, but we made it and [most everyone] did a great job.  Here's some more from our first quilling attempts:

Hearts were the hands-down winner as far as favorite things to make.

Admittedly, a terrible shot BUT you can see the size of the cut paper strips.

I surprised my class today by taping a sheet of white Scratch Art paper to the back:

I didn't tell them how Scratch Art paper works, just gave them a wooden stylus and let them figure it out.  

IT GOT VERY LOUD.  My student teacher has some app on his phone and said we made it to 85 decibels (?) which I totally believe, because they were SO EXCITED.

Here's the final work from my group today:

The excitement didn't slow down a bit when I allowed them to take them home with them today (because I never do that, I hoard everything almost everything until after the art show every year). I'm interested to see the reactions of my last two classes tomorrow and Wednesday!

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