Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Great News! I Didn't Set Anything on Fire Today!

No flames in my shrinky-dink'in today! And as a bonus, everyone's shrinky dink quilt squares turned out:

I think I baked 18 today, so this is just some of them.

Now that's PRETTY!
For the 411 on this lesson, click here.
Also going on, my second group of adaptive students finished their laced fish kites:

This was my "high" group, and I also saw them one more day than the first group. We started out like this, and then added both metallic FX crayons and shimmery paint to make them really stunning. I had some reg ed students in there (along with paras) and we marked with pencil where we wanted the students to punch holes. This was totally doable for this group--they're mostly older and stronger than last week's group, so the hole punches weren't as hard to handle. Students used yarn (with masking tape around the end to make it stiff) to lace around their fish.  I made sure the yarn was extra long so we'd have a tied sort of handle to "fly".  SUCCESS! Finally, for fun, we took them into the gym to run with them (get ready for some real action shots):

This is really turning into a hodge-podge sort of post, but I have to share my *always adorable* kindergarten Monet water lillies:

So beautiful and wonderful to look at on these cold winter days! They're really brightening up the hallways!
Stay warm during this blustery January, art teacher friends!

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