Thursday, December 10, 2015

Adaptive Update (Aftermath of Factory Art Time)

Remember the painting art factory my adaptive group did? I was storing those papers away (this is when a hoarding nature really comes in handy) for some fish collages:

I like to give them plenty of choices in adaptive (some of them really struggle with speaking/responding to the teacher), so I gave them the choice of making a fish collage or a robot collage (using paper from the 10 lb box of paper remnants that is like CHRISTMAS, seriously, you should order one if you've never.  I think I get it from Sax or School Specialty).

Last week's group was all about the fish:

While in this week's group every single student wanted to make a robot:

One is a bit of an abstracted robot:

Our schedule is one where we see our adaptive group every day (minus Wednesdays/our collab/late start day) for a week, and a big bonus of giving them choices is if they're done with one collage and time remains, they can do the other one.

Happy robot needs some Sharpie details tomorrow!

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