Monday, September 17, 2018

Kindergarten Inside Outside Texture Houses

How do I make it through kindergarten every year?  It's mid-September and I'm already wondering what to teach.  Their attention spans are just so short, I feel like I'm always struggling to stay one step ahead of them.  I'd written "Texture Neighborhood" in my planner and had my example out (draw houses and a street with marker, color with crayons and texture boards) but then I went to my other school and the art teacher there started showing me these houses that I had shared with art teachers in my district a few years ago.  Which I'd totally forgotten about, so I just crossed out neighborhood  and wrote "house" instead.

It is a fun one day lesson.  Each student received a folded 12 x 18 manilla paper, then chose a 9 x 12 color for their roof (choices were gray, black or brown).  Students had to fold those themselves, then use marker to draw one line from one corner to another (diagonally).  When they cut the line, they had one large and two small triangles.  They glued the large one on top to be the roof.  Then they used marker to draw things like windows and doors.  They could open their house and draw the inside:

I then explained texture and showed them the magic of texture boards.  It never ceases to amaze the kindergarten crowd!  Here are some more quick photos I took while they were working:

Why do they draw stick people? 
I thought it wasn't a developmental thing at this age.

It's always interesting to me the ones who don't really
understand the inside/outside concept.
While they would've looked amazing up in the hallway, I've already filled my allotted space up.  I let students take them home the same day they made them to brighten up their refrigerators at home.

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